- 修改 hexo 的 markdown 渲染引擎:
cd hexo-blog.github.io/ # 首先进入你的 hexo 的根目录
npm un hexo-renderer-marked --save # 卸载 hexo 默认的 markdown 渲染引擎
npm i hexo-renderer-markdown-it --save # 安装 markdown-it
- 下载 markdown-it 的 markdown-it-checkbox 插件:
cd node_modules/hexo-renderer-markdown-it/
npm install markdown-it-checkbox --save
- 在 hexo 的全局配置文件 _config.yml 添加以下:
# Markdown-it config
## Docs: https://github.com/celsomiranda/hexo-renderer-markdown-it/wiki
html: true # Doesn't escape HTML content so the tags will appear as html.
xhtmlOut: false # Parser will not produce XHTML compliant code.
breaks: true # Parser produces `<br>` tags every time there is a line break in the source document.
linkify: false # Returns text links as text.
typographer: true # Substitution of common typographical elements will take place.
quotes: '“”‘’' # "double" will be turned into “single”
# 'single' will be turned into ‘single’
- markdown-it-abbr
- markdown-it-checkbox # 本行启用了 checkbox 插件
- markdown-it-emoji # 如果你想在 md 中使用 emoji 表情的话,需要另外下载相关插件
- markdown-it-footnote
- markdown-it-ins
- markdown-it-sub
- markdown-it-sup
level: 2 # Minimum level for ID creation. (Ex. h2 to h6)
collisionSuffix: 'v' # A suffix that is prepended to the number given if the ID is repeated.
permalink: true # If true, creates an anchor tag with a permalink besides the heading.
permalinkClass: header-anchor # Class used for the permalink anchor tag.
permalinkSymbol: ¶ # The symbol used to make the permalink.
- 找到自定义样式的文件:themes/next/source/css/_custom/ 路径下的 custom.styl 。
- 添加以下样式:
input[type="checkbox"] {
display: none !important; // by imo: to overwrite styles in DuoShuo-Comments-Plugin
input[type="checkbox"] + label::before {
content: '\a0';
display: inline-block;
margin-right: .2em;
border: 1px solid;
border-radius: .2em;
width: .8em;
height: .8em;
vertical-align: .1em;
text-indent: .1em;
line-height: .7;
input[type="checkbox"]:checked + label::before {
content: '\2713';
使用 markdown-it 的 anchors 功能带来的副作用
使用 markdown-it 的 anchors 功能后,文章目录(Table of Content, TOC)中每个章节标题前均出现永久链接符号(默认为 ¶ )。
- 找到 hexo 定义 toc 函数的文件:/node_modules/hexo/lib/plugins/helper 目录下的 toc.js 。
- 修改生成标题文本的代码行 var text = $(this).text(); 为如下即可:
var text = $(this).text().slice(1);// by imo: remove markdown-it's anchor character in TOC
Hexo 的 markdown-it 渲染引擎和其相关插件 http://baishusama.github.io/2016/12/24/hexo-render-markdown-it-and-its-plugins/